The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry


Sedation dentistry is something we find patients to be timid about to start, but then later end up championing. For both the dentist and the patient there are many benefits to sedation dentistry and today we thought we’d share the top 3 with you.

What is it?

Sedation dentistry begins by taking a pill an hour before your appointment to help you relax. Then, once safely in our office a small needle is inserted into your hand transferring medication to make you sleep like a baby. Next thing you know – you are lying at home and your dental work is complete with no pain whatsoever.

3 Biggest Benefits to Sedation Dentistry

1 – Safe

Patients are monitored from start to finish and only discharged when completely awake. A pulse oximeter is used to continuously check blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation. The medications used to promote sleep are such that they do not cause respiratory depression and can easily be reversed.

2 – Effective

One of the biggest benefits of sedation dentistry is the ability of the dentist to intravenously insert other needed medications directly into the patient. If a patient is having a procedure where they may have swelling or pain afterward, instead of giving them pills to take home, or a prescription that needs filling, we can take care of it right away and add needed medications into the IV.

3 – Not Expensive

Thinking that sedation dentistry is more expensive is mostly a myth. The reason all dentists do not offer it is because it is more expensive for the dentist, not the patient. Dentists must go through more training. There are dental board requirements that are difficult to meet and costly. The dental office itself must meet certain facility requirements. Malpractice insurance will increase. The office will also be required to slow down and handle one patient at a time – most dentists love to bounce between 4 patients at once to make more money. So, sedation dentistry is more expensive for a dentist to get into, not more expensive for a patient to select.

Shannon’s Story

Shannon is a recent patient of ours – who like many, was timid at first to anything having to do with a dentist. She claims she was scarred for life when as a little child neglected a toothache until it was a much bigger problem. The chilling pain she encountered at the hands of the family dentist left her hating every dentist – not just the one she had nightmares about. Many years later, after knowing another dental procedure was inevitable – she gave our offices a call. Dr. Ghodsi was able to tell her the many benefits to sedation dentistry and she agreed to give it a try. The results were better than Shannon could have hoped, she barely remembers stepping foot in our offices, and she left with her procedure complete and feeling no pain.

Why Not?! 

The three biggest benefits to sedation dentistry? It’s safe, effective, and not expensive! If you’ve had experiences like Shannon, then sedation dentistry could be just what you are looking for. Don’t hesitate – we are the leaders in offering combo sedation, please feel free to contact us and schedule a free consultation anytime.

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