Conquer Dentophobia

sedation dentistry

Dentophobia is real and it affects many people of all ages. What is dentophobia? According to Phobia Source,

Dentophobia is exaggerated and unwarranted fear of dental care, most often the dentist himself or herself. This phobia is also otherwise known as odontophobia and dental fear. Some people suffer from dentophobia to such an extremity that simply seeing a dental surgery photo or image can cause distress.

Statistic Stats approximates that as many as 75% of adults in the United States develop some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe. An estimated 5 to 10 percent of adults in the United States are considered to experience dental phobia; that is, they are so fearful of receiving dental treatment that they avoid dental care at all costs. The underlying fears of dentophobia can be many, needles, dentists, numbness, pain, sounds and/or smells. At Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas, we are happy to be offering one of the most successful solutions to dentophobia: Sedation Dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry Eliminates Dentophobia 

Sedation dentistry is the practice of having the patient unconscious during dental treatment. It differs from other forms of sedation dentistry in that the patient is fully asleep, feels no pain, and has no recollection of the procedure itself. Sedation dentistry uses IV sedation or general anesthesia to produce a sleeping state. With other forms of sedation, the patient remains semi-conscious or even fully conscious and is often aware of what is happening. Not so with sleep dentistry.

Combo Sedation

We use combo sedation at Lasting Smiles, and we are the only Las Vegas sedation dentists to use this method. Combo sedation allows us to use less medication, which helps the patient wake up feeling refreshed with little to no recollection of their procedure. That means less stress and less pain for the patient. Combo sedation consists of three parts: 1. Sedative pills 2. Laughing Gas 3. IV medications. We can use any of those three individually to sedate patients or use all three together for combo sedation. The combination of all three provides the most effective and safe results for patients.

At Lasting Smiles Dental Care, Las Vegas, sedation dentistry does have additional costs. However, we reduce those costs so our patients can have a low stress and pain-free experience at the dentist.

Watch Dr. Ghodsi’s short commercial for more information.

Want to see further proof that sedation dentistry is perfect for those with dentophobia? We have a full playlist of patients describing their personal experiences on our YouTube channel.

If you’ve been avoiding visiting a dentist due to dentophobia, book your consultation with Dr. Ghodsi to find what your options and what you should expect. Get that smile that lasts a lifetime at Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas.

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