Dental Implants from a Cosmetic Dentist

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In the past, the most popular solution to replacing missing teeth was the use of dentures and dental bridges. Despite having a few flaws in the design, these dentures and bridges did function quite well. However, sometimes, bridges would distress the surrounding teeth, while dentures had the tendency to become dislodged if insufficient adhesive was used. As time progressed, better alternatives were created. At present, cosmetic dentists can offer adults of all ages dental implants. Just like dentures and bridges, dental implants are synthetic teeth replacements and are available at dental offices such as Lasting Smiles Dental Care in central Las Vegas.

Dental Implants 101

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Dental implants function like your natural teeth. They are fabricated in a dental laboratory from dental porcelain and titanium. The finished pieces are customized for the specific patient and conform to the alignment of a particular patient’s teeth, gums, and jawbone. Unlike dentures and bridges, which normally have several synthetic teeth in them, dental implants are created one by one, making them more precise than dental bridges and dentures. Also, since they are actually implanted into the jawbone, there is no need to use adhesives.

The Installation of Dental Implants

The installation procedure is should be done by an experienced cosmetic dentist such as Dr. Ghodsi at Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas. The dentist removes the patient’s old tooth along with its root if it has not already been removed. Afterward, a titanium screw-like implant is installed in the gums, which anchors the tooth root to the jawbone. Three to six months will then be given for the jawbone to heal itself and for the bone to fuse around the titanium screw. The healing process and the sturdiness of the titanium screw will depend greatly on the strength of the jawbone.

Once the jawbone has healed, the post will be attached to the fully-integrated titanium screw. After setting the post in place, another two to four months is given by the dentist for gum tissue to heal and build around the implanted post. After the gum healing and wrapping process is done, the last thing that will be inserted in is the crown. The crown will be fabricated from dental porcelain, which should match the overall look and coloring of the other teeth, making it seem as natural as possible.

Last Word

For a successful dental implant procedure, you must be in good oral health and have adequate jawbone mass. It should be noted that over ninety percent of all dental implant procedures are successful. This makes dental implants not only a practical investment that can restore oral health and functionality but a wise one as well. At Lasting Smiles Dental Care, we will expertly install your dental implants for a smile that lasts a lifetime.

If you are considering dental implants, book your consultation with Dr. Ghodsi to find what your options are. If dental implants are the best solution for you, then Dr. Ghodsi will walk you through the procedure and what you should expect.

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