Why All-on-4 Implants are a Popular Choice for Full-Arch Replacement

Male patient before and after all on 4 dental implant photos

All-on-4 dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular choice for those who need full-arch replacement. Normally, individuals who needed to replace an entire arch of teeth would visit their local dentist to be fitted for dentures. Despite improvements over the years, dentures cannot match the functionality and natural appearance of real teeth. Conversely, dental implants can offer all the advantages of natural teeth, but replacing an entire arch with individual implants would be both extremely costly and difficult. Thankfully, All-on-4 dental implant technology presents a solution by utilizing only four dental implants to replace an entire arch of teeth. This procedure is a life-changing experience that can improve patients’ oral health, self-confidence, and overall quality of life.

With this technique, Dr Ghodsi at Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas is able to offer his patients a complete set of teeth that function and look like natural teeth, without the limitations and drawbacks of dentures. Moreover, compared to the expense and complexity of using individual implants to replace an entire arch, All-on-4 is a more practical and affordable option. 

What are All-on-4 Dental Implants?

During the 1990s, Professor Paulo Malo collaborated with Nobel Biocare, a prominent implant manufacturer, to advance the groundbreaking work of Per-Ingvar Brånemark. Together, they developed a new and innovative concept for implant placement, which involved the insertion of four implants, two of which were longer and tilted backwards at a 45-degree angle to avoid the patient’s sinus cavity.

This pioneering technique allowed for immediate placement of the dental implants, thereby reducing the overall treatment time and enabling patients to quickly regain their oral function. What’s more, the All-on-4 procedure is less invasive and more efficient than traditional implant procedures. The four implants are placed in the jawbone in a way that maximizes support and stability. 

Professor Malo’s innovative approach revolutionized the field of implant dentistry and has since become widely adopted by dental professionals worldwide. It has transformed the lives of millions of people by restoring their oral health and giving them a confident and radiant smile as well as allowing for a more natural and comfortable chewing experience.

Why are All-on-4 Dental Implants So Popular?

All-on-4 dental implants have become increasingly popular due to their many benefits. Here are just a few reasons why our Las Vegas dental patients choose this treatment over other options:


All-on-4 dental implants can be completed in just one day, which means that patients can leave the clinic with a full-arch of replacement teeth the same day.

Less Invasive

The All-on-4 procedure is less invasive than replacing a large number of teeth with individual dental implants. As a result, patients may be able to avoid bone grafting and lengthy healing periods.


All-on-4 dental implants are more cost-effective than single-tooth implants because fewer implants are needed to restore a full arch of teeth.

Preserve Bone Mass

The loss of teeth may lead to bone atrophy, which is the deterioration of the jawbone due to the lack of stimulation that the teeth roots provide. To prevent bone atrophy, it is crucial to replace missing teeth with dental implants that can help stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss.

Improved Oral Health

All-on-4 dental implants can improve oral health by restoring the function of missing teeth. This can help prevent further oral health problems in the future. This is because they behave like your natural teeth due to their supportive and stable base. As a result, you will be able to have a regular diet and will be able to maintain your All-on-4 dental arches just like you would your natural teeth.

Improved Quality of Life

All-on-4 dental implants can improve your self-confidence and overall quality of life by restoring your ability to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

Long-Term Teeth Replacement Solution

All-on-4 implants can last a lifetime if they are installed and maintained correctly. This is due to the fact that they prevent bone atrophy and gum recession, eliminating the need for regular refitting sessions. According to Nobel Biocare, the leading manufacturer of All-on-4 implants, the procedure has been carefully studied with over 1000 patients followed up for 5-13 years. The results showed an impressive success rate of 99.2%.

The All-on-4 Procedure Step-by-Step

At Lasting Smiles Dental Care, Dr Ghodsi and his team have developed an efficient and effective All-on-4 full-arch replacement procedure involving 6 steps:

Step 1: Consultation

During the consultation, Dr Ghodsi’s dental team will evaluate your oral health (your gums, teeth and jaw bone) and discuss the All-on-4 procedure. 

Step 2: Planning

Dr Ghodsi makes use of advanced 3D imaging technology to ensure the precise placement of every dental implant. This not only increases the chances of a successful implant procedure but also prevents complications such as peri-implantitis, which can lead to the failure of the implant.

Prior to the implant procedure, Dr Ghodsi will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your mouth using 3D imaging technology. This allows him to identify the ideal location for the implant, taking into account factors such as bone density and the condition of the surrounding tissues. By doing so, potential issues that could arise during the surgery can be anticipated and prevented, resulting in a faster and smoother procedure with minimal pain and discomfort.

Unlike other dentists who perform implant surgeries without 3D imaging, Dr Ghodsi’s use of advanced technology ensures that the procedure is completed efficiently, reducing both the time and cost for the patient. By following this approach, Dr Ghodsi is able to deliver high-quality results that are both effective and long-lasting.

Step 3: Implant Placement

Following the extraction of any decayed or damaged teeth, Dr Ghodsi will skillfully insert four titanium screws into your jawbone. These screws are specifically designed to fuse with your bone tissue and act as a sturdy foundation for your new set of teeth. 

Step 4: Attachment of Prosthetic Teeth

Once the implants are in place, Dr Ghodsi will attach a full arch of permanent prosthetic teeth to the implants. These teeth will be customized to fit the patient’s mouth perfectly. Your new set of teeth can be made of porcelain or acrylic depending on your budget.

Step 5: Follow-Up Care

After the procedure, you will need to follow up with Dr Ghodsi to ensure that your new teeth feel perfectly natural. This means that you may require a few minor adjustments to position them perfectly. regular cleanings and check-ups to ensure the health and longevity of the implants.

Step 6: Enjoy Your New Set of Teeth

From the first day, you receive your new set of All-on-4 full-arch replacement teeth, you can use them without any delay. As time progresses, your gums and jaw will fully heal, which typically takes approximately six months. Once you’ve fully healed, you’ll feel confident and proud to show off your brand-new smile and teeth to those around you.

Consult with an Experienced All-on-4 Dental Implant Specialist in Las Vegas

If you’re considering a full-arch replacement or would like to replace your dentures with permanent teeth replacement, contact Dr Ghodsi at Lasting Smiles Dental Care Las Vegas. He and his team specialize in All-on-4 procedures, as a result, you will receive the best possible care. Dr Ghodsi uses Nobel Biocare and Implantdirect dental implants which are leading dental implant companies in the world and back their products with lifetime warranties. Dr Ghodsi’s mission is to help you achieve optimal dental health while also giving you a beautiful smile and allowing you to enjoy the foods you love.

No one should have to endure discomfort, shame, or embarrassment because of their teeth. At Lasting Smiles Dental Care, we recognize the significance of healthy teeth and gums, and we strive to deliver exceptional service to all of our patients at affordable prices.

With this innovative system, you can enjoy the look and feel of natural teeth, along with improved oral function and a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. If you are considering All-on-4 implants as a full-arch replacement option, it is important to work with a qualified dental professional who can help you understand the procedure and determine if it is the right choice for you.

Don’t wait any longer to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to book your All-on-4 dental implant consultation with one of Las Vegas’s most experienced dental implant specialists.

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