Get a Total Smile Makeover with All-on-4 ® Dental Implants

all on 4 dental implants

Dental implants have evolved significantly during the past few decades to the point where now you can replace an entire mouthful of teeth with affordable dental implants. Today, Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas can offer you All-on-4 dental implants to make it easier and faster for you to receive a total smile makeover. The All on 4 dental implants technique enables Dr. Ghodsi to offer you an entirely new set of teeth that will last for many years. The procedure is less traumatic than other full-mouth restoration surgeries because it requires only 4 titanium implant rods per upper or lower bridge.

The All-on-4 ® Dental Implant Technology


All-on-4® dental implants only need 4 implants to replace your entire upper or lower set of teeth. The reason this is possible is that two of the implants are tilted backward to avoid your sinus cavities and vital nerves. These implants are also longer than the other two implants. As a result, when all 4 dental implants are delivered, they provide the stability needed to support all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. This ingenious system makes it possible to eliminate the need to have an implant placed for every tooth. This, naturally, makes the procedure less invasive and much less expensive than having implants for every tooth.

Are You a Candidate for All-on-4 ® Dental Implants?

If you need a set of completely new teeth, you will definitely benefit from choosing the All-on-4 procedure. It is the perfect solution for those with a large number of missing, broken, or decayed teeth. Individuals whose teeth have been severely affected by gum disease can also benefit by replacing them with a new set of All on 4 dental implants. This amazing procedure is also a great option for anyone who is having difficulties with their dentures.

In order to determine if you are a candidate for the All-on-4 ® dental implants, Dr. Ghodsi uses 3D imaging technology to make the best possible evaluation and provide you with precise implants. The 3D imaging technology used enables Dr. Ghodsi to examine in detail your teeth, gums, tissue, and jawbone. He makes sure that you are an eligible candidate for the procedure, or whether you may need a pre-procedure, for example, due to loss of bone density. Knowing the condition of the inside of your mouth before the dental implant procedure also allows for proper planning also for your postoperative treatment.

The 4 Most Important Benefits of All-on-4 ® Dental Implants

The All-on-4 procedure has several important benefits related to your oral and physical health as well as your quality of life. Here are some of the benefits that you should be aware of.

Functions Like Natural Teeth

All-on-4 ® implants function like your natural teeth so they can be cared for in a similar manner. That is, you can brush and floss them just like you would your natural teeth. What’s more, unlike dentures, you do not need to worry about dental adhesives or removing them at night. Most importantly, the support and stability provided by the base of your All-on-4 ® dental implants will enable you to have a normal diet and enjoy the foods you love without fear. Moreover, you will not have to worry about speech clarity, gum sensitivity, or movement of your teeth. Finally, since the 4 implants used to attach the dental bridge to your jawbone are usually made from titanium, they are safely accepted by your body and are integrated effectively with your gum and bone tissue. In fact, this procedure has been clinically proven on over 150,000 patients (Nobel Biocare). 

Can Last a Lifetime

When All-on-4® dental implants are fabricated and installed correctly by experienced specialists like Dr. Ghodsi, with the proper care, they can last a lifetime! There is no need for re-fitting sessions every few years like you would need with removable dentures because the implants prevent bone atrophy and gum recession.

Bone Atrophy

The prevention of bone atrophy that occurs when you have missing teeth is another important benefit of dental implants. All-on-4 ® implants prevent bone loss because the implants act as teeth roots and stimulate the jaw bone. The stimulation is needed to maintain bone mass and provide strength to the surrounding area.

Natural Appearance and Improved Self-Confidence

An important part of your All-on-4 ® dental implants is natural-looking tooth crowns which provide a natural appearance and functionality. Consequently, individuals who choose this procedure instead of removable dentures experience much more confidence when eating or smiling. This is because they don’t have to worry about their teeth moving or sliding when they speak, smile, or eat. 

If you would like a beautiful smile that will last you a lifetime and the confidence of a new set of teeth that function just like your natural teeth, then you should consult Dr. Ghodsi about getting All-on-4 ® dental implants. During a consultation with Dr. Ghodsi, he will perform a complete oral examination and explain the dental implant procedure to you, including tooth removal if needed. 

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