The Difference Between a Full Mouth Reconstruction and a Smile Makeover

Mature woman smiling after smile makeover or full mouth reconstruction

It is a fact of life that without proper oral hygiene and frequent visits to your local dentist, you will have minor dental issues which can develop into more serious complications if they are not treated promptly. It’s also a possibility that due to genetics, an improper diet, bad habits, and illnesses, the condition of your teeth could be affected significantly. That’s why at Lasting Smiles Dental Care, Las Vegas, we offer you full mouth reconstructions to treat severe dental issues and smile makeover treatments to deal with cosmetic or aesthetic issues.

Full mouth reconstruction and smile makeover treatments will improve your smile, oral health, and overall self-confidence. However, there are significant differences between these two types of dental treatments.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

A full mouth reconstruction focus on improving your dental health. The treatment plan focuses on restoring the function as well as the aesthetics of your smile. We usually address oral health issues such as tooth damage, tooth loss, gum disease, and even bone atrophy, and jaw issues. The main aim of any full mouth reconstruction is a complete restoration of your teeth in order to enable you to enjoy a full range of oral functions in comfort.

Possible Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedures

A full mouth reconstruction is tailored to your specific needs by applying a combination of restorative and periodontal treatments, including:

Dental Implants

Dental implants, All on 4 implants or full mouth dental implants are the best and most permanent tooth / teeth replacement solutions. Dental implants can replace a single missing tooth or even an entire arch of teeth. They can also be used to support other restorations such as crowns, dentures, and bridges. What’s more, as we have mentioned in previous blog posts, the titanium implant functions just like your natural teeth to promote bone health by stimulating the jaw bone and preventing bone atrophy.


Dentures are used to replace an entire arch of teeth. Today’s, dentures are natural-looking and more comfortable than ever. They can also enhance and support your facial muscles and help you regain a more youthful appearance. At Lasting Smiles Dental Care, we can offer you conventional removable dentures or permanent dentures for increased stability.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are also used in reconstruction procedures to restore structural flaws in your teeth. For example, crowns are used to restore the size, shape, and function of your teeth and protect your teeth after they have undergone root canal therapy. Dr. Ghodsi and his team often use dental crowns when repairing cracked and worn-out teeth. Crowns are also commonly used to help support dental bridges.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are fixed dentures that are basically a few crowns attached together. They may be attached to existing natural teeth or a dental implant. In a restorative procedure, we use bridges to replace one or more missing teeth and restore your smile. Dental bridges are also able to keep the existing teeth from shifting into the space left by a missing tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy can be used to treat and save severely infected teeth. By saving your teeth, you can avoid replacing them with implants or dental bridges which are much more costly. You also avoid bone atrophy since your teeth can keep stimulating your jaw bone.

Tooth Extraction

Tooth extractions are normally performed to remove teeth that cannot be repaired with a root canal, the tooth has been damaged beyond repair due to trauma or in cases where your wisdom teeth may be causing a host of issues. 

Smile Makeover Treatment

A smile makeover is designed to enhance the appearance or aesthetics of your smile. Having a healthy smile does not necessarily mean that it lacks cosmetic flaws. Our team at Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas can use a few different methods in conjunction with one another to create your new smile. For example, dental stains, minor chips or cracks, and teeth spacing issues can all be addressed with our cosmetic dentistry procedures. Dr. Ghodsi has over 30 years of experience in performing smile makeovers. He begins by evaluating your teeth and making suggestions, and together you will design the smile you have always wanted.

Possible Smile Makeover Procedures

Just like a full mouth reconstruction, a smile makeover is tailored to your specific needs to enhance your smile with cosmetic dentistry treatments like veneers, bonding, whitening, Invisalign, Lumineers and crowns. We can use a few different methods in conjunction with one another to create your new smile. 

Dental Venners

Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain or composite resin that covers your teeth and gives your teeth a new shape, color, and look. They are often used to fill gaps, straighten teeth, change the shape of teeth and correct cracks or chips to improve your smile. 

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that can not only help restore the beauty of your smile if you have a chipped or broken tooth but also its function. The bond is a tooth-colored composite resin that is used to repair your damaged tooth and make it look as good as new.

Teeth Whitening

Over the years, even with proper oral hygiene, your teeth may get stained, dull, and yellowed. This can be due to eating or drinking habits, but it also just happens over time. Fortunately, with the advanced whitening techniques available, we can dissolve those stains and whiten your teeth so you can feel confident about showing them off.


Our dentists can fix most minor to moderately crooked smiles with Invisalign, or clear braces. Invisalign can fix most malocclusions, which just means crooked teeth. We refer our patients with major jaw alignment issues to an orthodontist for treatment.


Lumineers are dental veneers that are digitally designed to be extremely thin so they can be applied seamlessly over your teeth. Unlike porcelain veneers, when applying Lumineers, tooth enamel is not removed to fit the Lumineer to your tooth. As a result, if you want to have them removed, you can.


Crowns are thin layers of porcelain that cover an existing tooth to strengthen or restore it. They are often used when the tooth is decaying on more than one side, to replace a large filling, protect a weak tooth, after a root canal, or to cover an implant.

The Advantages of Having Either Treatment

Whether you undergo a full mouth reconstruction or a smile makeover treatment, you will have the advantage of dealing with a number of dental health or aesthetic issues in just one treatment plan. These tailored dental treatment plans can reduce your overall treatment timeline because multiple dental procedures can be performed at once which can reduce your sedation sessions as well. This also means that you may have an overall lower treatment cost for all the different dental procedures.

Why Choose Lasting Smile Dental Care for Your Full Mouth Reconstruction or Smile Makeover

Dr. Ghodsi has over 30 years of experience and will work with you to design the smile you have always wanted. We work with you to create a personalized solution. That may include dental implants, All on 4, dentures, teeth whitening, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, or a combination of several treatments to create your perfect smile. The Lasting Smiles Dental Care team is in the business of improving our patients’ confidence because when you feel confident with your smile, it shows! 

If you are unhappy with your smile and are ready for a new set of teeth, our dentists will create a customized solution that works for you. There is no cookie-cutter approach when it comes to your smile. We believe in dental care that lasts a lifetime. Schedule a free consultation with our Las Vegas dentists today!

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