Sedation Dentistry For Special Needs Patients

dental pain

At Lasting Smiles Dental Care in Las Vegas, we know that making it to the dentist can be challenging for just about anyone, and those who care for individuals with special needs understand the challenge ahead when it comes time to schedule a dental appointment. Special needs patients with Autism, Down’s Syndrome, or Alzheimer’s may be fearful of the unfamiliar space, people, and instruments used in even basic dental procedures. Since oral health affects the entire body, it’s important to find a dentist who is qualified and experienced in helping special needs patients.

Special Needs Patients and Sedation Dentistry

Dr. Ghodsi and the staff at Lasting Smiles are perfectly equipped and experienced when it comes to providing care for special needs patients. These patients often have difficulty understanding the importance of regular dental visits and good oral health and how the lack of either one can affect the entire body. One of Dr. Ghodsi’s specialties is sedation dentistry, which is ideal for those who have an extra hard time coming to the dentist. At Lasting Smiles, we use combo sedation – we are the only Las Vegas sedation dentists to use this method. Combo sedation allows us to use less medication, which helps the patient wake up feeling refreshed with little to no recollection of their procedure. That means less stress and less pain for the patient. Basically, when they wake up, there are no scary noises or frightening tools, it’s as easy as taking a nap.

Lasting Smiles Las Vegas Sedation Dentistry

We know that you want the best care possible for your family and loved ones and when they have special needs, finding a great dentist can be a challenge. Be sure that the dentist you choose has treated special needs patients in the past and is ready to handle any situation. It’s important to have a doctor who is patient and willing to listen to the caregiver as well as the patient.

If you have any questions, the knowledgeable staff at Lasting Smiles is happy to help and can set up a free dental consultation. Please call us at (702) 430-1317 or contact us online.

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