Having Your Las Vegas Dental Implants Successfully Installed

Multiple Teeth Bridge Dental Implants Las Vegas

The dental implant is one of the newest restorative devices grabbing much attention from patients around the world. This is a denture component meant to replace a lost tooth root. It is usually paired with a bridge or an artificial crown to complete the restoration. The tooth-and-root replacements in the form of dental implants can emulate the appearance and the strength of natural teeth. The installation of this restorative is considered invasive since it involves surgery on the maxilla or mandible, thereby requiring serious care before, during, and after the operation for a fast recovery period and a successful result.

Thorough Evaluation Before Dental Implant Procedure

Patients are reminded to take this operation seriously, as it may pose several health risks if done improperly. Dental implant installation is not for everyone, and to know whether or not a patient qualifies, the dentist must examine his oral cavity thoroughly. Using advanced imaging technology, the dentist captures images of the patient’s dental structures from various angles to see if the involved area needs adjustments before the installation.

Good Health

There is no other patient more qualified to undergo an operation than one who has a healthy body, good blood circulation, and excellent respiration. Thus, an experienced Las Vegas dentist such as Dr. Ghodsi of Lasting Smiles Dental Care advises patients to avoid smoking and drinking liquor for up to six months before the operation. This ensures that hemoglobin and platelet counts are up, as both components are essential in the healing process.

Pre-Operative Preparation

Patients are advised not to eat or drink anything before the dental implant procedure. This is why most operations are performed early in the morning. They are also advised to wear loose but comfortable clothes. Tight clothing might only add to the discomfort when the incisions are being made.

Post-Operative Care

The real risks occur after the operation, which makes it necessary for the patient to be as informed as possible about what he might possibly encounter in this stage. Things like dealing with surgical wounds and keeping healthy post-surgery contribute greatly to complete healing. As much as possible, a patient fresh off dental implant surgery should not participate in strenuous activities that might jeopardize the outcome of the operation. It would also be a good idea to have a companion in the house for two weeks after the procedure.

Regular Consultation

Intermittent pain is normal during the first few days of the post-operative stage. However, if pain continues for a lot longer than the specified timeframe, the patient must immediately contact an implant dentist in Las Vegas and find out if the pain is truly something to be concerned about.

If you are considering dental implants, book your consultation with Dr. Ghodsi to find what your options are. If dental implants are the best solution for you, then Dr. Ghodsi will walk you through the procedure and what you should expect.

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